Monday, January 24, 2011


When you think of green and remodeling your home,  most folks think it is a complex item and hard to implement.   They think that it needs to be done by a professional and has a high cost.  This isn't always the case.  Consider some simple things that can be done which result in saving money and improving your quality of life.  Most things can be done at a low cost.  Here are green remodeling simple methods to consider.

Air sealing,  that is right buy a caulking gun and some caulking(silicone works great), go around your window and door areas and seal the inside and outside small holes and cracks, any penetrations in your walls, like wires, pipes caulk them.  If these penetrations have larger openings consider using a can of spray foam and add the expanding foam to these larger spaces.  Practice with both products before you apply them as it can be messy. After applying, inspect your work for any voids caused by shrinkage.  If this happens add more material.  Stopping air infiltration will save you on your heating costs, as well as your cooling costs, and stop outside air from entering your home.  It can also keep outside pollutants from entering your home keeping the indoor air  quality fine.  Around your window interior trim, remove it, if possible,  and fill the empty caviaties with non expanding foam and re install the trim.  This area leaks a great deal of air.

Yes, these are simple and low cost techniques yet result in saving on your heating and cooling costs, improving indoor air quality and improving your quality of life.   Look for our next blog posting as we discuss attic and basement energy efficiency methods.