Friday, February 18, 2011

Green Remodeling- simple methods: Why Ice Dams?

Green Remodeling- simple methods: Why Ice Dams?: "Why Ice Dams? My answer is simple, A New England problem, so move to a WARM CLIMATE is the simple answer. Giggle, Giggle! ..."

Why Ice Dams?

Why Ice Dams?
My answer is simple,  A New England problem, so move to a WARM CLIMATE is the simple answer. Giggle, Giggle!   So everyone who is staying in New England especially in our great state of New Hampshire you can solve the problem is many ways.

First understand we don't have severe snow NORMALLY in the winter, 20" one storm is severe.  The last few months were ABNORMAL.  Keep that in mind.  Folks who never had problems in the past DID have them during the last storms.  As I have stated in the last post, air sealing,  ventilation and insulation are the keys to getting control of ice dams.  Our firm, Queen City Remodeling offers a free inspection to identify the ways to correct your problems.  Simple method, get snow and ice off the roof RIGHT AWAY--Shovel it off!

A definite way to control Ice Dams is to add a Professional Roof and Gutter Deicing Cable System.  Not the cables that you find at the Big Box stores.  Those do not have the needed power wattage.  They don't work the right way nor are they ever installed the right way.    Our system has high grade heating elements, the durable materials provide excellent moisture, corrosion and impact protection with tough UV protection for the harsh NH conditions which can be plugged directly into your power receptacle or have a control system.  For details, feel free to contact us at
By the way, this is a Green Simple Solution!

These ice problems will continue this winter and future winters.  Address the issue now!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


During the recent excessive snow as of late in New Hampshire, homeowners are experiencing many problems with snow, ice dams and water entering into the home interiors.  Many times I am asked the causes of these problems and what can we do to stop the problems.  During the last few days, I had had first hand experience with our staff clearing snow and ice from many homes.  It was interesting seeing the many problems.  I commend those homeowners who are taking prevention to stop further issues.  Water entering your home's interior causes many problems such as mold, mildew, drywall, wood rot, paint  and insulation failure are just a few

Here are a few things to consider as you tackle these issues.  House design, ventilation, flashing techniques, roofing membranes and insulation have a lot to do with your homes performance.  Some thoughts for your consideration in these areas.  The most important thing to do is clean off the excessive snow from your roof or other collection areas and seal any heat loss areas. Make sure your flashing is right.  I suggest you hire a professional as I have seen to many falls from ladders causing severe personal injuries.  My neighbor fell from his roof as he slipped on the roof and the ladder let go, lucky he suffered some severe bruises and not a broken back.

House Design
Many homes have not been built in the past with consideration of the House to be built with Building Science and with all the systems working together.  You can have a performance and energy audit to identify issues and make corrections.

Ventilation & Insulation
Your attic can be a problem area with these areas.  So many homes have inadequate insulation so interior heat loss gets to the attic causing ice dams in the winter and also letting summer heat flow down into the interior.  Adding insulation, air sealing penetration areas is a low cost investment which corrects the problems especially when done with ventilation.  So many homes are poorly ventilated, if at all.  Again these are 2 areas where the building science of a home is important.   This area is left to a professional to make suggestions.  Not only is it the house yet the environment, sun, wind, house location are all considerations.

Flashing & Roof Membranes
Use the right products.  Things like water pans around windows stop water infiltration, using at least 6 feet or more of ice and water shield under your shingles, making sure your shingles are designed for your roof pitch.  Remember shingles are designed to shed water not to seal out water.

As I said,  during the last few days of doing preventative measures for homeowners to stop damage from the excessive snow and ice dams the above issues were the major problems we encountered.